Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hair Cutting Piece

Hair Cutting Piece

Performed thoughout Fluxfest Chicago 2014
In memory of my father, James Alan Weigel, 1948-2014

Life is fleeting.  The most that each and every one of us truly has to offer is a series of shared experiences: our hopes, dreams, inspirations, joys,sorrows...

Sometimes these connections transcend time and place, and sometimes they are lost to history, all but forgotten except by a select few.

In observance of our being together in this time and place, I invite you to cut off a piece of my hair to keep as a memento of this connection.

May we revel in sharing our lives in this moment and honor and celebrate our present time together, for it truly is a gift and is, at best, on loan to us.

I will have small rubber bands and scissors on me over the weekend for just this purpose.  Feel free to approach me at any time.


Chaotic Black Sheep said...

I really miss you, Dad. You were always so gentle and kind, and you didn't judge anyone or fault them their life circumstances. You taught me to think critically and to approach hardship with compassion, dignity, grace, and kindness. The world was truly blessed with your presence and has lost some of its sparkle.

Chaotic Black Sheep said...