Saturday, June 28, 2008

Penny Project

I have recently begun working on Wishes, the Penny Project. So far, I have left some pennies in University City, the Central West End, around the Art Museum, Crestwood Mall, parts of Columbia, Chesterfield Mall and at Chesterfield Arts (pretty much everywhere I have been since I started this). My hope is to connect with people who may or may not otherwise be involved in the arts and the art world and to get them to better appreciate pennies while thinking more about how alike all of us really are.

I have gotten a good response to this project as of yet and several people have voiced an interest in participating. I hope that as many people as would like to participate will do so - this is a creative commons project that I would like to see extend beyond the scope of what I can do by myself. Voicing your wants and desires as wishes and then throwing them away can be very cathartic, and I would like for others to be able to share in that experience.

Lately, I have been really thinking about how to reach out to a larger audience beyond the scope of the art world. As I'd stated before, many nonartists feel alienated by the art world and the gallery scene, and I am trying to find ways to connect with those people as well as those who are involved in the arts. As of right now, I have two creative commons projects aimed toward this end - the Penny Project and Art Is Everywhere. I am hoping to develop more such projects over the course of time.


Chaotic Black Sheep said...

Today I dropped some pennies around Laumeier Sculpture Park, Soulard Art Market and a couple of stores I dropped by. A couple of people have gotten in touch with me about doing this project with their kids and I think it's great!

Chaotic Black Sheep said...

I have dropped some more pennies around places that I am frequenting anyway and even dropped a few en route to the Contemporary Art Museum. Unfortunately I haven't needed to go much of anywhere lately otherwise.