Sunday, August 10, 2008

D&D art

I am not usually a big fan of fantasy and comic art because there is an inherent bias towards depicting sexy scantily-clad females while the males depicted can vary much more, even ranging to the grotesque. This is in part due to a backlash on behalf of fantasy artists against always depicting the stereotypical scantily-clad male Conan fighter-type, but it hasn't really caught on in depictions of female characters to the same extent. For all that a lot more variety is available and females of all sorts of beings and sizes are depicted, they are still typically shown in an overly sexualized manner, as is all-too-common in most mass-produced media that fits into cultural expectations and assumptions. Women should not always be judged first and foremost by sex appeal as too many depictions of them would have you believe.

Needless to say, I haven't devoted much of my time as an artist learning to follow those prescribed drawing styles and making fantasy art because the appeal just isn't there. So I am always rather frustrated when I become the token artist for the gaming group because I have developed my talents in other directions and am not really any better-suited to it than some of the other members, depending on who is involved at the time. However, I do enjoy doodling loose comic sketches for the group incorporating my sense of humor for all that my tastes may not entirely overlap with everyone else's. (That's just too bad for them, because I'm the one with the pen...)

Anyway, I have recently begun doing some such sketches for my husband's blog, The Art of the Near TPK, so feel free to check them out.


Alex Schroeder said...

I ended up on your husband's blog, where I admired the sketches, and wondered whether he drew them. Then I followed his link to your blog and discover that you drew them. They look awesome! Just the right amount of abstraction for the viewer to fill in the details, an air of self-irony, clear suggestive lines -- I like it!

Chaotic Black Sheep said...

Thank you. I'm not much of an illustrator and tend more towards sculpture and mixed media in my own artwork, but I am having fun with it.