Friday, August 22, 2008

Digital Submissions

A lot of galleries are switching to taking digital submissions, which I think is great. I do feel bad for people who do not have the wherewithall to do this, but it is possible to get digital images made from slides (and vice versa) and the digitals are just so much easier to deal with. I do question the quality regarding digital submissions when taking them to print, but that depends on the resolution more than anything and it is possible to get very nice prints made from such formats.

I am especially excited about this because digital images are much friendlier, both on the environment and the checkbook. You can look at them pretty much immediately after shooting so that you can reshoot right then if you need to. And there isn't as much waste in developing film, mounting the slides and then figuring out what to do with old slides of outdated works that have been sold or are otherwise unshowable.

Now I just hope that even more places start accepting digital submissions via email, so that I don't have to send anything through the post office at all.

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