Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Weekend Events

I don't participate in many weekend-only art events, especially when there is an entry fee, but a lot of them do offer good opportunities to artists. I just have a hard time justifying spending $20 or $30 to participate in a one or two night event. It sort of relates back to how I feel about some of the online galleries that charge high entry fees.

I don't know why I would have a harder time justifying that than shows open solely by appointment or with such limited open hours that they are essentially inaccessible beyond the opening. I guess perchance it is because a month-long show simply looks more prestigious on one's resume than a weekend-only one. And I know that my money is likely going towards rent for the month-long space.

I do think that the limited availability of these shows can actually encourage viewers to attend, though. If something is happening one-night-only, you can't very well put off seeing it until later on. Oftentimes it seems when people do put off seeing shows, they get distracted or busy and don't make it anyway. I have missed a few things I wanted to see because I was swamped and forgot about them until it was too late. So these events can be very good exposure and really offer a lot in regards to networking.

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