Friday, January 30, 2009

Some Blogs of Interest

I changed my sidebar to reflect only those blogs that I am an author on, simply because there are way too many good art blogs out there (so I can't help but forget a bunch of stuff), and because I'm trying to clean up this interface and my list of current exhibitions has taken over.

Here are a few blogs of note, though. These are only the ones that people have made me aware of; if you would like to see your own art blog posted to the list, please be sure to tell me about it in a comment.

Art Reviews:
Art Saint Louis / Art Dialogue
Comments and reviews of visual art in saint louis - Saint Louis Art

Cate Anevski
Art & Ideas - Dail Chambers
Artistic Mission - Dan Jaboor
Popp Art - Erica Popp
Tony Renner, Artist
Colin Michael Shaw
The Common Denominator - Mary Beth Shaw
Wish Jar, Explorations of the Familiar - Keri Smith
Beyond the Art Fair - Jeane Vogel

Art Organizations:
The Chicago Women's Caucus for Art Blogs
CWCA Calls for Entry
WCA-STL - St. Louis Chapter of the Women's Caucus for Art


Chaotic Black Sheep said...

Note: Please be aware that the content of the blogs posted (both that I linked to and that others have posted as comments) may not necessarily reflect my own opinions and ideas.

Colin said...

Hey- thanx for the plug! You & Tony have turned me on to some really good reading on here-

Dan Jaboor said...

Glad to know I wasn't snubbed intentionally. Lol.

Chaotic Black Sheep said...

There are a bunch of them, and I only know of a few.
Dan, please feel free to drop a link to your blog - I'd love to check it out.

Chaotic Black Sheep said...

Never mind Dan. I found your blog through your profile and added you to the list. :)
You've got some great new work posted. I like the impasto styled landscape - how big is it?

Tony Renner said...

thanks for the plug!