Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Improv Everywhere

I have talked some about how I am interested in interstitial art before. I especially appreciate things that encourage people to look at things in new and different ways. I recently found out about the Improv Everywhere at Best Buy experience and now I'm hooked. They have done some really funny things in other places, including multiple events involving subways such as the human mirror, and others in known businesses such as mobile desktop. Or better yet, the deja vu experience at Starbuck's previously.

Unfortunately, many of these lighthearted activities can be easily misconstrued because, for all that a group like Improv Everywhere may engage in an activity in jest or in good humor, a more sinister plan could be enacted through similar means and I can understand managers and security for freaking out. However, I love that these activities encourage people to be more aware of and to question the world around them. It's always good to shake things up a bit.

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